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I believe we all have power of choices.

You could consider reinvest 20% of your food budget, on Immune enhancing raw foods that are proven to help your body run as it was originally designed?

If you believe that the packaged/proceed foods you buy in store are going to keep you healthy?

How has that working out for you, so far?

In these days of Covid-19 is your immune System ready to kick virus butt if you are exposed? 

I was a food purchaser for a few different gourmet restaurants here in Courtenay for years so when people tell me they have no money for supplements, I know quality and quantity effects value.

I call Bull Shit.

I challenge you to add up what you spend each month on groceries and food out. Then use 20% of that to start ordering super concentrated live foods that will fuel a healthy immune system. Start taking two pouches of Immunocal, an Omega with Tumeric, Peperine and CoQ10, a multi Vitamin with Resveratrol, Calcium with Vitamin D, and Magnesium, Probiotic with Cranberry then one of my favorites Seren-T200 this one will reduce cortisol in the blood stream that helps fight belly fat. The science of eating healthy has been figured out for you over 40 years of research and my own testimonial should be all the proof you need.

Put down the bag of nacho chips click on this link start ordering the products listed above and start your journey back to health.

I have been preaching about these amazing product for over ten years. Took a year off to see if it was what was really making the difference. My blood pressure went up 20% and I gained 20 pounds of unwanted fat. Fast forward six months back taking these awesome supplements and I have lost that 20 pounds and lowered my blood pressure almost to normal not bad for I guy that was airlifted for emergency stints in 2012.

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