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In my personal experience these last three years it is that

Active Blog Commentary Develops Exceptional Followers.

Since my passion is sharing what works, when my “GuruCode” / “DeepAbyss” buddy Len Mooney asked on his weekly session of Lunch with Len, if anyone wanted to start a Blog Commenting group. I put my hand up said, yes, Yes, Yes!

“the A.B.C.’s of Developing Exceptional Followers”
These are the Basics Rules:
Post under the Day of the month in the Facebook Group.
You can add a “Post from your Blog” (max. 500 words)
The offering could be a “You-Tube Video” from your Channel
(Max. Four Minutes long)
Three minute should be your target as recommended by Ray Higdon in
“the Three Minute Expert.”
Myself, Chris Shouse and Len Mooney have partnered up to launch this adventure. They also invested in that Amazing training. This Idea came out of what we each took away. Ray Higdon shared he has his own “Private Blogging Group” that Promote, Like, then Share each others stuff systematically through their own Social Media Channels to everyone’s mutual benefit.
Believe, Real Comments, Relevant to the Post  are the Lifeblood of any Successful Blog!

Quality Comments that referee to the post by quoting “Keywords” or “the Whole Titles” are Best.
After leaving your “Unique Comment”;
Please share it in a social media channels with the options on the Blog or inside Youtube.
These actions will increases the number of Social Shares that show up for the Blogs social media connections. Professional bloggers don’t want any of these option too show a “0” on the sharing buttons on their published, “Live Posts.” 
Michael Pearce, Getting to the Heart of the Matter @
P>S> If it is good enough for Ray Higdon and he makes over $1,000,000 last year just from his Blog each of us should embrace this opportunity to grow your personal following by Commenting, Liking, and Sharing good content with out audiences.

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