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When you have a Family History of Cancer makes Prevention Important

I know it is Important My Wife’s Mother Die from Cancer at 61 we do everything possible to insure that  does not happen this generation…

Angela with Bianca

Angela with Bianca

If you want “a Fighting Chance against Cancer:

There are many natural products that claim to either raise Glutathione,

To have Antioxidant Power, or to Improve our Immune Function.

What need to know before making an intelligent and informed choice:

Immunocal scientific studies have been published in many of the most trusted and prestigious medical journals. Immunocal holds over 75 national / international method of use patents.

Immunocal is listed in the:

  • Physicians’ Desk Reference (PDR): This official reference book sits in the office of virtually every doctor and pharmacist in North America, as it lists all the substances a doctor can prescribe.
  • Compendium of Pharmaceuticals and Specialties (CPS): Immunocal is listed in this Canadian reference book.
  • Pharmacist’s Red Book: one of the Pharmacists’ major reference texts.

Immunocal is recognized by some of the world’s most respected doctors and researchers:

Dr. Luc Montagnier, world renowned expert on immune-deficiency and winner of the 2008 Nobel Prize in Medicine, edited an entire chapter on Immunocal in Dr. James F. Balch, prominent authority on nutrition and best-selling author of “Prescription for Nutritional Healing”

States that, “It’s my opinion that everyone should be taking Immunocal. Today, there’s no better way to boost your immune system.”

Immunocal is backed up by over 45 years of clinical research and testing.

Dr. Wulf Dröge, international expert on immunology, cell biology, antioxidants and aging, stated: “Many studies… support the conclusion that Immunocal is effective in maintaining a strong immune system… people are well advised to consume Immunocal regularly.”

Doctors  Gustavo Bounous & Wulf Dröge and colleagues were the first to show in a placebo controlled clinical trial the health benefits of an undenatured whey protein isolate in cancer patients.

Now I have included a link to an earlier post on this subject:

I want People to know there is a option to just going on Chemo Therapy and Taking your chances

Cancer Cell Magnified

Cancer Cell Magnified


I am not Medical Professional when I look at the research I don’t understand all of it but it is easy to get the facts that Immunocal is a Proven Natural support as a preventive and as a treatment for Cancer. People are always taking about the need to find a Cure for Cancer but is not more important that people are healthy and survive the Experience…


It is hard to get!

We have been trained all your lives that doctors have all the Answers?


Modern medicine is our best hope?

If you think about it medicine as we know it has only been around for 150 years?

It is only the last 50 years Cancer has been a Real Problem it may be contaminates in the environment. We need to detox get all the crap out of your systems it is a proven fact Immunocal help detoxify at a RNA Level. There is also a correlation between starting of Nuclear Testing about the same time Cancer started popping up all around the globe…

If you think you are Immune?

Good Luck with that, the only Illness you are more likely to die other than a Heart attack is Cancer.

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